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Transportation in private vehicle

Eagle County School District, Re50J
Adopted: August 27, 1979
Revised: November 22, 2019


It is the Board of Education's intent to utilize District transportation equipment for all student transportation.  However, when a school chooses to use privately owned vehicles in lieu of District transportation for field trips and other activities, a staff member, community member, or parent may transport a student or group of students in his/her own car for school-related purposes if (s)he has special permission covering the specific trip. Any use of privately owned automobiles by students, parents, and other non-staff members must be approved by the principal of the school attended by the students involved. All passengers must have seat belts. The driver shall be advised to comply with the Colorado seat belt law.

Personnel authorized to use their own vehicle for transporting students must carry liability insurance coverage in compliance with state law. Any person having standing authorization or special authorization to transport students by privately owned automobile for school sponsored activities shall be required to carry liability insurance on the vehicle being used in the amount of: $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence for personal injury and $50,000 per person for property damage. A record of such coverage shall be placed on file with either the building principal or the Director of Transportation prior to the authorization of the trip.  Current law states that drivers are obligated to carry personal liability insurance, which will be the primary insurance party in the event of an accident.

The Eagle County School District shall also require that a copy of the prospective driver's record be obtained, submitted and placed on file along with the insurance verification. The principal shall have the authority to approve or to withhold approval of the prospective driver based on the driver records.

LEGAL REF.:  C.R.S. 22-32-113 (4)

C.R.S. 42-1-102 (88) (definition of school bus; private vehicles can be regulated as school buses in certain circumstances)

C.R.S. 42-7-101 et. seq. (Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act)


CROSS REF.:  IJOA (JJH), Field Trips                                                                                                     click here for Permission form