Summer School
$150 per Class 2024
WHEN: June 3-14, 9am-4pm
WHERE: EVHS (in-person class)
WHAT: Earn credit for up to TWO semester classes that you failed. CORE CLASSES ONLY: ENGLISH, MATH, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES. (
Must have received a minimum score of 1 in the class.
Must have LESS than 10 unexcused absences for the class.
Scan QR code while logged into school account to complete Google Form
Email counselor to confirm class choice
Attend everyday and be on time. (More than two unexcused absences will remove you from Summer School)
By submitting this COMPLETE form, you will be enrolled in Summer School UNLESS you hear from Ms. Wiens by school email.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT THIS FORM: Wednesday, May 29th, 4pm. Please use the link to complete form.