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Parent/Student Resources


Graduation Requirements

24 credits are required for graduation with a minimum in the following areas:

English - 4 credits
Math - 3 credits
Science - 3 credits
Social Students - 2.5 credits
Economics - .5 credits
Government - .5 credits
Physical Education - 1.5 credits
Health - .5 credits
Practical Skills - 1 credit 

Grading and Ranking: Grades are given on a letter scale: A, B, C, D, and F. GPA is calculated using only semester grades to include all coursework. Class rankings are based on weighted cumulative GPA.


Mental Health Resources






Mental Health Resources

Calming Room

Testing Information


  • SAT registration (weekend registration):
    • Go to 
    • Click on the STUDENTS link
    • Under the College Board Test Tab you will see SAT, click on that.
    • Click on Register Now
    • If you do not have an account, follow the new member link and sign up. Keep your user ID and Password for future log in. College Board has other valuable information such as a college search and scholarship info.


  • Go to
    • Click on the SIGN IN/LOG IN tab.
    • If you do not have an account click on CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.
    • Keep your user ID and password for future log in.
    • Follow directions from ther e


  • A career assessment for future civilian and military occupations, the ASVAB is a great opportunity for juniors to strengthen their testing skills and career awareness. Scores are released to students only (not recruiters). It is the student's responsibility to contact a recruiter if they wish to share results. EVHS usually offers one test in the Fall and one in the Spring. See your counselor for more info!
  • For ASVAB practice, visit the following website:


Eagle Valley High School Code (CEEB Code) is: 060725​. You will need this code for the ACT/SAT tests.